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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Collating Examples of Davidson's Supplemental Essays

I just finished drafting my Common App essay and next on my list are the supplements for Davidson. Does anyone have insights or examples of successful essays they're willing to share, especially on how to match Davidson's vibe?

a year ago

Hey! Congrats on getting your Common App essay wrapped up. That's a huge step! I don't have actual essays to share since those are personal to each student, but I can tell you that Davidson values creativity, integrity, and a strong sense of community service. When you're writing your supplements, focus on moments that reflect your own involvement in your community or experiences that showcase your personal values and critical thinking skills.

For instance, if you’ve led a community service project or taken a unique approach to solving a problem in your school or local community, those are excellent topics to explore. Remember, Davidson is looking for students who aren't just academically adept but also engaged in making a positive impact. Give them a glimpse into who you are beyond the grades: your passions, your quirks, and how you will contribute to their community. Good luck!

a year ago

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