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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the atmosphere like at HBCUs for someone interested in pursuing medicine?

Hey fam, seriously considering HBCUs 'cause I've heard some produce a lot of successful doctors. What's the environment like for pre-med students? Are the supports strong? Curious 'cause I wanna make sure I'll be set up for success.

a year ago

Hey there! It's really awesome to hear about your interest in attending an HBCU for a pre-med track. My nephew graduated from an HBCU where he was a pre-med student and had a fantastic experience. From what he's shared, the environment at many HBCUs for pre-med students is quite supportive, with advisors who are dedicated to helping students succeed in challenging courses. There's a strong sense of community, with students often forming study groups and supporting each other through the ups and downs of such a rigorous major.

Additionally, he mentioned that there were many opportunities to engage in research and medical-related extracurricular activities, which helped strengthen his med school application. HBCUs often have a rich history of nurturing successful medical professionals, and this legacy can be really motivating! I'd suggest reaching out to specific HBCUs you’re interested in to learn about their particular resources and programs for pre-med students. All the best with your decision!

a year ago

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