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Where can I find authentic and inspiring college essay examples?

I'm starting to draft my college essays and feeling a bit stuck. Does anyone have recommendations on where to find some solid essay examples that got people into their colleges of choice? I'm looking for a bit of inspiration to kickstart my own writing.

a year ago

Absolutely, it's normal to look for some direction when you begin the essay-writing process. For tried and tested essay examples, you might begin with the actual colleges' websites or admissions blogs. Many institutions post successful essays from their new admits to showcase what they found compelling.

Check out schools like Johns Hopkins University, which has a 'Essays That Worked' section on their admissions site. Another reliable source is books specifically oriented towards college essays; they often contain analyses explaining what made the essays stand out. However, be cautious, and instead of copying styles or stories, use these resources to understand the mechanics behind an effective essay—things like voice, structure, and how the students' personalities and unique perspectives shine through.

And remember, the most inspiring essays come from a place of authenticity. Use these examples to think deeply about your experiences, values, and what you might want to communicate to admissions officers about who you are.

a year ago

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