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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How important are college application samples for crafting my own application?

Hi folks! So, as I'm getting started with my college apps, I've heard some conflicting advice about looking at samples of successful applications. On one hand, I feel like they could provide solid guidance, but I'm also a bit worried about falling into the trap of just copying the format rather than being authentic. Anyone here who found looking at samples helpful? Would love to hear your experiences!

a year ago

Hello! Your concern is valid, and it's wise to think about authenticity in your application. Looking at samples can indeed offer helpful insight into the structure and tone of successful applications. It can provide you with a framework to understand what details and stories resonate with admissions committees, helping you to present your experiences compellingly. However, the real value comes from using these insights to craft a narrative that is true to you.

One example is a student of mine who read essays from accepted applicants to their dream school. This helped them to see how applicants demonstrated their passions and achievements effectively. My student then used this understanding to reflect on their own experiences, leading to an authentic and powerful essay about their commitment to community service. If you choose to look at sample applications, take them as inspiration, not blueprints. Let your unique voice shine through, and use your experiences, thoughts, and aspirations to distinguish your application. As long as you stay true to yourself, you'll create an application that's both informed and genuine.

a year ago

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