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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Pre-Med Tracks at HBCUs

Hi folks, I'm currently a high school junior exploring my options for pre-med in college. I'm leaning towards attending an HBCU and was curious, which HBCUs are known for strong pre-med tracks? I'm looking for schools with good med school acceptance rates and research opportunities.

a year ago

Hi there! It's fantastic that you're interested in pursuing pre-med at an HBCU! I have a nephew who's on a pre-med track at Xavier University of Louisiana, and he's been having an incredible experience with plenty of research opportunities. Xavier is well-known for placing a large number of African American students in medical schools.

Another HBCU you might consider is Howard University; they have a very strong program and a historic reputation in successfully preparing students for medical careers. Being in D.C., Howard also offers ample opportunities for networking and internships. Remember to look at specific programs and partnerships each school might have with medical schools and the opportunities for hands-on experience. It would also be worth reaching out to each school's admissions office to get the latest info on med school acceptance rates. Best of luck on your pre-med journey!

a year ago

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