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HBCU Nutrition Programs: Are They Well-Regarded?

Hi y'all, I'm exploring my options for college and am getting more interested in nutrition programs. I've been looking at HBCUs but I'm not sure how their nutrition programs compare. Does anyone have thoughts on the quality and opportunities that come out of HBCU nutrition programs, or personal experiences to share?

a year ago

Hey there! When it comes to nutrition programs, many HBCUs offer robust curricula that are on par with other institutions. What's important is the program's accreditation, faculty experience, resources such as labs and internships, and the career support offered to students. It's great to hear you're considering HBCUs; they often have a strong community and support system, which can be a valuable part of your college experience.

I would suggest looking into the specific accreditation of the nutrition programs you're interested in, as some professions in nutrition require a degree from an accredited program. As for opportunities, many HBCUs have great connections with local communities and organizations, which can lead to internships and hands-on experiences. If you haven't already, reach out to admissions or the program director at the HBCUs you're considering, and ask specific questions about their nutrition programs' alumni success and partnerships for practical experience.

Also, attending college fairs or open houses might give you the chance to speak directly with faculty or current students about the nitty-gritty of the programs. Hope that helps, and best of luck with your decision!

a year ago

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