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Are there HBCU fashion programs?

This might be a bit niche, but does anyone know if there are HBCUs with strong programs in fashion and design? I'm really passionate about fashion and want to incorporate that into my college experience. Preferably looking for an institution that combines solid academic rigor with creative opportunities.

a year ago

Absolutely, there are HBCUs that offer strong programs in fashion and design! One notable institution that you might be interested in checking out is Howard University. Not only does Howard have a reputable program in fashion, but it also provides numerous opportunities for students to engage in the vibrant fashion scene of Washington D.C., which can be a big plus for networking and practical experience.

Another HBCU that's garnered attention for its fashion programming is Savannah State University, which partners with local fashion industries to give students hands-on experiences. While exploring these options, it's essential to consider the kind of connections and internships you can build through the program since those can be invaluable in the fashion industry.

When you're evaluating these programs, reach out to the admissions offices and ask to speak with faculty or current students in the fashion department. They can provide you the insider's perspective on how the program will match your academic and creative desires. Additionally, attending college fairs where HBCUs are represented can give you a more in-depth look at what to expect and allow you to ask questions directly. Best of luck finding the HBCU fashion program that's the perfect fit for you!

a year ago

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