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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice for High School Grads going straight to work?

Hello everyone, I've heard that many jobs only require a high school diploma. I'm honestly thinking that college may not be the path for me at this moment. What kind of jobs could I start looking into or what should I be preparing for?

2 months ago

Great question! It's important to recognize that there are a multitude of fruitful career paths that don't require a degree. The world is full of success stories about people who went straight into the workforce after high school and thrived.

One field that might interest you is the trades, where you can potentially earn a good living with just a high school diploma. Jobs like electrician, plumber, carpenter, HVAC technician, or even chef could be great options, and they often entail hands-on work - perfect if you prefer more practical, active roles. Many of these fields offer apprenticeship programs, where you can earn while you learn.

If you're tech-savvy, look into IT support or digital marketing roles. Many companies place high value on skills and experience rather than degrees in these areas. Also, certificate programs, like Google's career certificates, can provide focused, job-related training without the need for a four-year degree.

Customer service roles, like in retail, hospitality, or call centers, could also be a good starting point. While these positions might not pay much initially, they will equip you with people skills that are valuable in many roles and industries.

Finally, don't forget about entrepreneurship. Starting your own business is a rewarding, although often challenging, way to create your career path.

Remember, it's essential to invest in developing your skills and personal growth. College is one way to do that, but it's certainly not the only pathway to success. The world of work is changing rapidly and increasingly emphasizes skills and adaptability to new technologies. Continuous learning, whether formal or self-guided, will be critical in staying competitive in the job market.

2 months ago

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