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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What Would You Say Was Your Most Memorable Moment in High School?

I've been reflecting on my high school journey (yah, I know junior year just started) but I'm super curious about what you guys found most memorable. It could be a special event, achieving something significant, or even an embarrassing incident that you now laugh about. I'm trying to get some ideas for a personal essay, and I thought hearing other people's moments might get my creative juices flowing.

2 months ago

Looking back on high school can evoke a whirlwind of emotions and memorable stories. Here's a classic one from many students: senior prom. The electric atmosphere, the frantic search for the perfect outfit, the buzzing excitement as you make your entrance with your friends, and dancing the night away to a mashup of pop hits and slow songs. It signals the beginning of the end of your high school journey, and the anticipation of the next chapter of your life is palpable in the air.

Another memorable moment for many students is realizing they loved a subject they previously didn't care for. This could happen when a new teacher brings an innovative teaching style, or you suddenly see how the subject applies to your life. You might find the world of mathematics opening up before you, as the abstract concepts you struggled with start making sense in a new and profound way.

Or perhaps you remember the first time you truly challenged yourself, like when you signed up for a difficult course, ran for student council, or tried out for the varsity team. The anticipation, the hard work, the highs and lows, and ultimately the payoff. Even if you didn't achieve the outcome you wanted, the resilience and discipline you gained in the process create an indelible memory.

As you reflect on these examples, think about which experiences resonated with you the most during your high school journey so far, and what they revealed about you. Whether it's discovering a new passion, overcoming a challenge, or sharing a special moment with friends, those are the stories that make your journey unique and compelling.

2 months ago

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