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Which high school has produced the most National Merit Scholars?

As I'm preparing for my PSAT and potential National Merit Scholar qualification, I've started wondering if there's a specific high school that tends to churn out the most National Merit Scholars. Is there any school that stands out in this regard? Thanks for your input!

2 months ago

Thankfully, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation doesn't publish a ranking of high schools by the number of National Merit Scholars they produce; therefore, it's difficult to pinpoint an exact school with the highest count.

However, some schools, often larger or magnet high schools, do have a larger number of scholars due to their size or the academic focus they provide. For instance, the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia, and the University High School in Arizona are known for their high-achieving students who often qualify for the National Merit Scholarship.

That being said, it's important to note that National Merit Scholars come from a wide range of high schools across the country, from public schools in small towns to large, urban private schools. The most crucial factor is the student's academic abilities, readiness, and PSAT/NMSQT score above the particular school's "cut-off score."

Finally, remember that while becoming a National Merit Scholar is indeed a prestigious honor, it's one of many metrics colleges consider when examining an applicant's entire academic profile. So while you're preparing for the PSAT, also be sure to focus on maintaining a high GPA, participating meaningfully in extracurriculars, and writing strong essays when the time comes to apply to colleges.

2 months ago

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