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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Impacts of College Years on Career

Hey fam, kinda lost here. When talking about life after graduation, which years of college would you say are the most pivotal in shaping a person's career trajectory? I'm just trying to figure it all out.

2 months ago

All years of college are important in different ways when shaping your career trajectory, but the true standout periods are often your junior and senior years.

In your junior year, you generally start taking major-specific courses and may have opportunities for internships related to your field of study. Many students find internships to be pivotal as they provide real-world experience, offer networking opportunities, and can often lead directly to job offers after graduation. This year is when you typically step into the professional world, begin to narrow your focus, and determine the direction you want your career to go post-graduation.

Fast forward to your senior year, it can very much become a launching pad for your career. This is when you’re likely to start applying for jobs or graduate programs. You might also work on a senior thesis or capstone project, which can help showcase your skills and knowledge to prospective employers or grad schools. Senior year is essentially about putting all your experiences, skills, and knowledge together and making a strategic move towards your career goals.

Remember, freshman and sophomore years are important too! You begin to explore various interests during these years, choose your major, and usually start getting involved in related extracurricular activities or part-time jobs, which will indeed build the foundation for later years.

When shaping your career trajectory, it's important to consider the entirety of your college experience - classes, internships, extracurricular activities, networking, and even part-time jobs can all contribute to your overall career direction. Your trajectory isn't just about one pivotal moment, but rather a series of steps and experiences that guide you towards your goals.

2 months ago

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