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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges offer free shirts or other merchandise to prospective students?

I've seen some of my friends wearing college merch, and it got me curious. Do colleges ever send out free shirts or other kinds of merchandise to high school students who show interest in them? If so, how do you usually get them? It would be pretty cool to represent some schools I'm interested in!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's not uncommon for colleges to send out merchandise to prospective students as a form of marketing and to build excitement. However, free shirts and other items are typically not just mailed out broadly to everyone who shows interest. Sometimes, universities give away free merchandise for specific events, like college fairs, virtual information sessions, or during campus visits.

For example, my kid got a free t-shirt when we attended an open house event at one of the colleges during our campus tours. Another way to get freebies can be by participating in contests or giveaways the college might host on social media, so it's a good idea to follow the schools you're interested in on their social platforms. Occasionally, once you're admitted, some colleges might send you a congratulatory package with some swag as well. In the meantime, if you're really keen on sporting college gear, keep an eye out for these types of events and opportunities!

9 months ago

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