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What are some of the most uncommon high school mascots?

Just for fun, I was thinking about school mascots. What are some of the uncommon ones you've heard of? My school's is super generic, so I'd love to hear about some unique or unusual mascots!

2 months ago

There are definitely a lot of unique high school mascots out there! Here are a few I've come across:

1. The Watersmeet Township School in Michigan has the Nimrods as their mascot. Not necessarily an animal you'd expect!

2. Conway High School in Arkansas chose Wampus Cats as their school spirit animal. They're a local mythical creature that's half-woman, half-mountain lion.

3. Kaukauna High School in Wisconsin defends with the Galloping Ghosts, a mascot that certainly stands out from the crowd!

4. The Cairo High School Syrupmakers from Georgia are an unexpected mascot, signifying the local syrup-making industry.

Each of these mascots is fascinating because they reflect a unique aspect of their school or community. There are likely many others out there, but these are some of the most distinct ones of which I'm aware!

2 months ago

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