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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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NJ High School Wrestling

Yo, I'm a junior who's really into wrestling, and I've been trying to scope out which NJ high school has the most wrestling career wins. Any info would be appreciated, thanks.

2 months ago

Hello! In terms of historical win records, Phillipsburg High School in New Jersey is known to have a powerhouse wrestling team. As of the 2021-2022 season, they had an impressive 1000+ wins, which is the most by any high school in New Jersey. Additionally, the program has produced multiple state champions and Division I wrestlers over the years. However, this information was before the 2023 wrestling season started, so for the most current and accurate data, you might want to look up the latest season records. It's also important to consider the overall quality of the program, the coaching staff, and the resources available to athletes when evaluating a school's wrestling program.

2 months ago

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