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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Common time for high school proms?

Hey guys! Around what time do most high schools usually hold their proms? I just want to get a feel for when this big event typically happens.

2 months ago

Prom season is usually around late April to early June for most high schools. Within this time frame, the exact dates can vary from school to school. The timing is often determined by a range of factors - including academic calendar, availability of preferred venues, and even local traditions. Some schools might choose to hold it a bit early to avoid clashing with other end-of-the-year events like graduation or exams, while others may have it later in the school year as a capstone event. It's always a good idea to check with your school administration or student council to get the most accurate information. For instance, they might be able to give you an idea even if the date hasn't been officially selected if they typically have prom the same weekend every year.

2 months ago

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