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Poetry contests open to high school students?

I deeply enjoy writing poetry and I'm considering entering into competitions. Does anyone know of any poetry contests that are currently open for high school students? I'm hoping to both challenge myself and add to my extracurricular activities for my college applications.

9 months ago

Your passion for poetry is admirable, and participating in contests can indeed be a great way to challenge yourself and add depth to your extracurricular profile. There are several contests open to high school students that you can consider. One of the most prestigious is the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, which offers a category for poetry and gives young poets the opportunity to earn recognition and scholarships.

Another notable contest is the Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Contest, which combines performance and writing skills in poetry. The YoungArts Foundation also has a writing competition for poetry, offering a chance to be recognized nationally for your creative abilities. Locally, you might want to check with your school's English department, local libraries, or community cultural organizations, as they might host or be aware of regional contests.

Remember, though, while winning awards can boost your applications, the real value comes from your personal growth and enjoyment of the art form. Also, quality is more important than quantity, so focus on a few competitions where you feel you could really make an impact or learn the most. Good luck with your entries!

9 months ago

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