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Free summer programs for high school students in NYC?

I'm trying to plan my summer and I want to take advantage of programs that could help me grow academically or professionally. Are there any free summer programs in NYC that are geared toward high school students, particularly in the areas of STEM or the arts?

9 months ago

I'm thrilled to hear you're looking to take advantage of summer programs to further your academic and professional development. New York City offers a plethora of opportunities for high school students, especially in the realms of STEM and the arts, and many of them are free.

One notable program is the New York Public Library's free internship program, which provides students with invaluable experience in a professional setting. While not strictly STEM or arts-focused, it offers a chance to develop skills that can be beneficial in any field. For those interested in STEM, the Science Research Mentoring Program (SRMP) at the American Museum of Natural History is an incredible opportunity to work alongside scientists on authentic research projects.

In the arts, The Juilliard School opens its doors to high schoolers through the Summer Dance Intensive. Though competitive, it is entirely free for those accepted. Similarly, the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) offers free precollege workshops in fashion and design, which can be a great way to explore artistic interests.

Remember to check the specific age and residency requirements for each program, as well as application deadlines—some may be approaching soon. Also check out CollegeVine's list of NYC summer programs here: https://blog.collegevine.com/high-school-summer-programs-in-nyc

Utilizing summer breaks for such enriching experiences can certainly provide a boost to your college applications down the road, not to mention the personal growth that comes with them. I encourage you to apply to those that resonate with your interests and aspirations. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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