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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best HBCU for Aspiring Lawyers?

I'm considering law school after undergrad and I'm leaning towards attending an HBCU. What are the best HBCUs for students preparing for law school, and what makes them stand out in terms of pre-law advising or internships?

a year ago

That's a fantastic goal! A couple of HBCUs are renowned for their strong pre-law programs.

Howard University is at the top of many lists, given its comprehensive pre-law advising, robust internship opportunities in the DC area, and its very own law school, which can be an advantage for undergraduate students who want to shadow law professors or take advantage of some of the law school's resources.

Spelman and Morehouse College, as part of the Atlanta University Center Consortium, also offer impressive pre-law resources and networking opportunities that can help in internships and job placement post-graduation.

What distinguishes all of these schools is the combination of dedicated pre-law advising, ample internship opportunities with top law firms and organizations, and an environment that fosters a deep understanding of civil rights and social justice, which can be beneficial for a career in law. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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