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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Guidance: Writing a LoR for a Peer?

So I’ve been asked to write a letter of recommendation for a classmate... which is a first for me. Any tips on what to include and how to make sure it helps them stand out?

a year ago

First off, it's commendable that you're taking on the task of writing a peer recommendation. It’s a significant responsibility and can have a meaningful impact on your classmate’s application. Here are some tips:

Start by introducing your relationship with the classmate, how long you've known them, and in what capacity. This sets the context for your perspective. Offer specific anecdotes that demonstrate their strengths, character, and impact. For instance, if they organized a community event, talk about the outcome and their role in making it successful.

Highlight traits that make them stand out amongst their peers. It could be their leadership qualities, creativity, or resilience in overcoming challenges. Remember to illustrate these traits with examples rather than just stating them. For example, if your classmate is resourceful, you might recount a time they used limited resources to achieve a class project goal.

Discuss their potential for growth and success, and express confidence in their future contributions to the college community. Colleges value students who will engage with and enrich their campus.

Be genuine in your praise, and avoid hyperbole. Admissions officers can tell when a recommendation is not heartfelt. Your honest insight will be the most beneficial to your classmate.

Lastly, make sure to proofread the letter for any errors, and maintain a formal yet personal tone. A well-crafted letter can go a long way in supporting your classmate's college journey.

a year ago

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