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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How specific do Carleton supplemental essays need to be?

Hey guys, I'm applying to Carleton and I'm working on my supplemental essays. I'm wondering how specific I should get about my personal experiences and interests? Should I focus on stories that highlight my personality or should I tie my experiences back to what Carleton offers? Any advice from those who've been accepted would be super helpful!

a year ago

Great question! For your Carleton supplemental essays, it's important to strike a balance. Your personal stories should indeed highlight aspects of your personality and demonstrate who you are, but you should also show awareness of how what you've learned and experienced relates to what Carleton offers.

For instance, if one of your essays is about a community project you led, talk about how Carleton's emphasis on social responsibility and active citizenship resonates with your own values and experiences.

It's about connecting your narrative with the spirit and opportunities at Carleton. They aim to understand not just who you are, but also why you and Carleton are a good match. This also demonstrates that you've done your research on the college and are serious about wanting to attend.

Remember, specificity reveals the depth of your interest, so mentioning particular programs, professors, or Carleton traditions that excite you can be very effective.

a year ago

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