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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is there a definite percentage for a 4.0 GPA?

Feeling a bit in the dark here, but I need some clarification. What percentage would a perfect 4.0 GPA be equivalent to? Does this vary from school to school or is there a standard?

9 months ago

Hello! I can certainly shed some light on this for you. A 4.0 GPA typically represents an A average in your high school courses, which would be equivalent to a percentage of 90-100%, depending on your school's specific grading scale.

Yes, it can vary from school to school. Some schools might consider a 93% and above as an 'A', whereas others might set the cutoff at 90%. It's important to check your school's grading policy to understand how they convert letter grades to a 4.0 scale.

Essentially, if you're earning the top marks that your school considers to be 'A' grades across your classes, then you're on track for that perfect 4.0 GPA. Keep up the good work!

9 months ago

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