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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there any HBCUs with strong pre-physical therapy programs?

Hey, I'm super interested in pursuing physical therapy as a career. Can anyone recommend a Historically Black College or University that has a solid pre-physical therapy program? How are the resources and opportunities for hands-on experience in these programs?

9 months ago

Absolutely! One HBCU that's known for a robust pre-physical therapy track is Howard University. They offer a Bachelor of Science in Health Science with a concentration in pre-physical therapy. What's exciting about Howard's program is the integrated clinical experiences and the foundational courses that set you up for success in graduate studies. Beyond the classroom, their faculty and career services are quite supportive in helping students secure relevant internships.

Another great option is Florida A&M University (FAMU), which offers a pre-physical therapy program highly regarded for preparing students for the rigors of PT school. FAMU provides hands-on learning opportunities and has strong partnerships with local healthcare facilities.

It could be really advantageous to inquire directly with the schools about student outcomes, such as graduate school placement rates and pass rates for licensure exams. Be sure to consider the whole ecosystem of support – mentorship, advising, and professional development – when evaluating these programs. Good luck with your pursuit - it's a rewarding field with a significant impact on the lives of others!

9 months ago

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