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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone know of a simple GPA calculator for the 4 point scale?

With junior year grades coming in hot, I need to update my GPA for college apps. Does anyone know a good online GPA calculator that follows the 4-point scale and accounts for honors and AP classes?

a year ago

Hey there! Definitely understand the keenness to keep your GPA updated. There are many GPA calculators online, and some college admissions websites provide tools or formulas to calculate your GPA on a 4-point scale. A simple search for '4.0 GPA calculator with weighted classes' should bring up several options.

Remember, when using these calculators, honors and AP classes may be assigned a higher value because they're more rigorous. For example, an 'A' in a regular class might be a 4.0, but an 'A' in an AP class could be a 5.0. Just make sure the calculator you choose allows you to input the level of your classes to get the most accurate calculation.

And don't forget to double-check with your school's scale because some schools use a different system for weighting classes. To give an example, if you have mostly As in regular classes and a couple in honors or AP courses, your GPA on a weighted scale might be above 4.0, reflecting the extra challenge of those courses.

Take a moment to collect all your grades first; this will make the process a lot smoother. If you need further help, your school guidance counselor can also assist you in calculating it manually or may know of specific tools that align with your school's grading system. Good luck!

a year ago

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