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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can someone share their experiences with choosing the right Common App essay prompt?

I've been staring at the Common App essay prompts for a while now and I'm just not sure how to choose one that fits my story best. How did you all pick your prompt? Were there any examples you looked at that helped you decide? I'm looking for inspiration but don't want to pick a prompt just because it seems the easiest. Thoughts?

a year ago

Hey there! I can definitely understand the challenge of picking the right prompt, it’s a common hurdle. When helping students in the past, I often suggest they focus less on the prompt initially and more on the stories or experiences they are passionate about sharing. It’s easier to see which prompt aligns with your story after you’ve identified the key experiences that have shaped you.

For instance, if there’s a moment or challenge that’s been pivotal in your journey, that might align well with the 'overcoming challenges' prompt. On the other hand, an experience that’s unique to your personal background could lend itself to the 'background or identity' prompt. Sometimes the fit is not immediately clear, and it might require reframing your story slightly to highlight different aspects that answer the prompt while remaining true to your experience. The key is authenticity; choose the narrative you're most invested in telling, and usually, one prompt will naturally be the best fit for it.

Remember, the goal of the essay is to give admissions a glimpse of who you are beyond grades and test scores. Your genuine voice and unique perspective are what will make your essay stand out. Take some time reflecting on the moments that have shaped you and draft some ideas without worrying about the prompts first. You might find inspiration in the process that makes the prompt choice much clearer. Good luck!

a year ago

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