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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some insightful questions to ask college admissions officers during a campus visit?

Hey folks, visiting some colleges soon and I'm earnestly trying to come up with a list of questions that'll give me a deeper understanding of what each college offers and if it's the right fit for me. Any suggestions for questions that are really good to ask admissions officers and can provide info that isn't just found on their website?

9 months ago

Hello there! It's great that you're proactively seeking to learn more about the colleges you're interested in. One insightful question to ask is how the college supports the transition for first-year students. This can give you a sense of the community and resources available to help you settle in.

Additionally, asking about the opportunities for undergraduate research or internships in your field of interest can give you an idea of how the college fosters student growth beyond the classroom. Don't forget to inquire about the outcomes for graduates in your intended major — like job placement rates or further education statistics. This will give you a realistic picture of where your education could lead you.

Finally, asking about what the college prides itself on the most can reveal the institution's values and priorities, which can help you determine if they align with what you're looking for. Best of luck on your visits!

9 months ago

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