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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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NBA HBCU Fellowship Program—anyone familiar with this opportunity?

Hey folks! I just heard about the NBA HBCU Fellowship Program, and it sounds like a dream come true for someone interested in sports management. Does anyone know how competitive this fellowship is or what they're looking for in candidates?

9 months ago

Hey there! I’m glad you're showing interest in such a unique opportunity. It is quite competitive given that it's a high-profile organization and that the program targets a specific group of institutions. They seek passionate students with a keen interest in the sports industry, particularly those from historically black colleges and universities, as the name implies.

In terms of what you need to stand out, it definitely helps to have solid experience in sports-related activities, whether that's through internships, running a sports blog, or even participating in college athletics in some capacity. They're looking for a mix of academic excellence and practical experience.

Make sure your application highlights your leadership skills, any sports-related projects or research you've been involved with, and your understanding of the business and management side of sports. If you have a specific interest or a project that you can tie into the fellowship, that would make your application even stronger. Wishing you the best of luck in the process—it sounds like an amazing opportunity!

9 months ago

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