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American High School Grade Levels

Hey there, I'm an international student and I'm kind of confused about the grade level system in American high schools. Can someone break down the terms 'sophomore', 'freshman', 'junior', and 'senior' for me?

4 months ago

Sure, I'd be glad to break those terms down for you! So, when we refer to high school levels in the United States, we have four years.

- As a 'freshman', this refers to someone in their first year of high school, usually at age 14-15.

- A 'sophomore' is in their second year of high school, typically aged 15-16.

- A 'junior' is someone in their third year of high school, usually around 16-17 years old.

- Lastly, a 'senior', is a student in their fourth and final year of high school, typically aged 17-18.

One thing to note is that these same terms are also used to describe the four years of undergraduate studies at colleges and universities in the U.S. For instance, a 'freshman' in college is in their first year of study, a 'sophomore' is in their second year, and so forth. Hope this helps clear up your confusion!

4 months ago

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