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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's HBCU Homecoming Like?

I've been hearing a lot about the unique atmosphere at HBCUs during homecoming and I'm super curious. Can someone fill me in on what homecoming is like at an HBCU? I'm especially interested in the fest and Battle of the Bands. How does this tradition influence campus culture?

a year ago

Absolutely, I'd be happy to share some info on these experiences! HBCU homecomings are indeed a spectacle of pride, history, and community. They're not just football games; they're week-long celebrations that include alumni and current students. The Battle of the Bands is a highlight where marching bands showcase their talent with riveting performances, elevating school spirit to another level.

The fest, similarly, is a bustling hub of activity, with Greek life stepping shows, parades, and various other performances by students and sometimes famous artists. The fraternal and sororal presence emphasizes a sense of unity and pride that's quite palpable. All these activities bolster the connection students and alumni have with the institution while amplifying the cultural significance and legacy of HBCUs.

The atmosphere created by homecoming often leads to a stronger alumni network, usually willing to support the college and its current students. It's a vibrant example of how tradition can enrich a campus' culture and give students a powerful sense of belonging to something greater than themselves. HBCU homecoming is one of the most memorable times of the year, with an electric energy that's hard to find elsewhere!

a year ago

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