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What is included in the AP English Literature book list?

I'm taking AP English Literature next year, and I heard that certain books are commonly taught and featured on the AP exams. I'm curious if anyone has a 2025 book list or any suggestions on what books I should start reading over the summer to prepare. Are there specific themes or authors that frequently show up that I should pay special attention to?

a month ago

There's no officially designated AP English Literature book list. However, there are certainly some classic texts that AP English Literature classes often cover, and that the AP exam has used for free-response questions in the past. These texts tend to be complex enough to lend themselves to in-depth study and analysis, and they often contain themes or literary devices that are hallmark topics in the literature curriculum.

Here are some works that you may find useful to familiarize yourself with:

- "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen

- "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

- "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare

- "Beloved" by Toni Morrison

- "1984" by George Orwell

- "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger

- "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

Additionally, while it's smart to get a head start on reading, it's also important to note that AP English Literature is much more than just the books themselves; it's also about understanding the literary devices, themes, and techniques used by authors. To truly prepare for the class and the exam, you may find it helpful to jot down notes on major themes or significant passages as you read.

Keep in mind, though, that it may be worthwhile to check in with your specific AP English Literature teacher, if possible, before investing a lot of time in reading. They may have specific books they plan to cover, and these could differ from what's listed above.

a month ago

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