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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where exactly is ASU located in Arizona?

I've been hearing a lot about Arizona State University, but I'm not entirely sure where it is situated in Arizona. I know it's a big school with a lot of campuses. Does anyone know more about where ASU is located and whether the main campus is particularly distinctive? Some context about the area would also be helpful! Thanks a ton.

4 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) is primarily located in Tempe, Arizona, which is in the East Valley region of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Its main campus, known as the Tempe campus, is the largest and is even considered as one of the largest campuses by student enrollment in the U.S. It sits near downtown Tempe, providing students with a mixture of a traditional college experience and city life.

The location is very vibrant, as the campus is positioned near the Salt River and is only a couple of blocks away from Mill Avenue, a popular street lined with shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Tempe Town Lake and Papago Park, both nearby, offer opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and watersports.

Beyond the main campus, ASU also has additional campuses across metro Phoenix: the Downtown Phoenix campus, the Polytechnic campus in Mesa, and the West campus in northwest Phoenix. Additionally, ASU has a growing digital campus known as ASU Online, which provides a range of degree programs to students around the world.

Each campus has its unique flavor and specialties, but the Tempe campus is perhaps the most well-known and vibrant. Keep in mind, students often take classes across multiple campuses depending on their major and interests. With a robust shuttle system, commuting between campuses is made relatively easy.

4 months ago

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