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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can someone tell me about the HBCU All Star Dream Classic?

Just caught wind of something called the HBCU All Star Dream Classic. Does anyone know what this is? Is it an athletic event or more academic-focused? Do all HBCUs participate, and how can students get involved? Any info would be awesome, thanks!

9 months ago

Hello! The HBCU All Star Dream Classic is actually a relatively new basketball event that aims to showcase the talents of student-athletes from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). It's an athletic event akin to all-star games you might see in other sports, where top players are selected to play in a high-visibility game.

Not all HBCUs participate, but players are chosen from a variety of these institutions. For students at HBCUs interested in getting involved, the best course of action would be to aim to excel in basketball during college play since selection is based on athletic merit. It's not only a chance to play in front of a larger audience but also an opportunity for athletes to be noticed by professional scouts.

The event includes other festivities that celebrate the culture and legacy of HBCUs, so even if students are not participating as athletes, it can be a worthwhile experience to engage with the broader community and enjoy the festivities.

9 months ago

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