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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Finding HBCUs with Men's Soccer Teams?

Soccer is life, and I want to keep playing in college. Can anyone help me figure out which HBCUs have men's soccer teams that I could aim for?

a year ago

Hey there! Kudos to you for wanting to pursue your passion for soccer in college. As the parent of a student-athlete, I've been down the road of finding the right athletic fit for college, and I can say it's quite the adventure. When it comes to HBCUs with men's soccer teams, you might want to look at Howard University, which is known for its competitive soccer program. Another school to consider is the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Remember, the athletic division and the competitive level can vary a lot, so it's worth checking out the schools' athletics pages or even reaching out directly to the coaches for more detailed info. Staying persistent in your search and open to the process can lead to some fantastic opportunities. Wishing you the best on your soccer journey!

a year ago

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