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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Touring HBCUs - Best State With Most Options?

Hey everyone, I've been thinking about visiting some HBCUs to get a feel for the campuses. Does anyone know which state has the most HBCUs? I want to visit a bunch in a single trip if possible.

I'm especially interested in how to best organize the tour so I can see schools that highlight a range of what HBCUs offer. Any tips on planning this trip?

a year ago

Hey there! If you're looking to tour multiple HBCUs in one state, Alabama is a great option – it has quite a few! When organizing your trip, I suggest grouping nearby campuses together to maximize your time. You can start in Birmingham, visit Miles College and then head over to Talladega College. Then, work your way through to Selma, Montgomery, and Tuskegee.

Also, consider the historic significance of each campus. For example, Tuskegee University has a rich history in both academics and civil rights to explore. Before you go, reach out to each college's admissions office to schedule tours and see if they have special programs for prospective students. It's really insightful as they might offer activities that give you a better sense of the student life and culture on campus.

Another tip is to keep an eye on any cultural or sports events happening during your visit – attending them can be a fun way to engage with the student body and the school's atmosphere. Have a fantastic trip, and soak in all the history and diversity HBCUs have to offer!

a year ago

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