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Top Social Work Programs at HBCUs?

Hi folks! Has anyone here done their research on social work programs at HBCUs? I'm on the hunt for a strong curriculum and supportive faculty.

Community involvement and fieldwork are high on my list of priorities—any suggestions would be amazing?

9 months ago

Hello! It's fantastic that you're considering HBCUs for a program in social work—they often foster a strong sense of community engagement and create supportive environments for their students.

An excellent option is Clark Atlanta University's Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work. They offer BSW and MSW programs focused on solving urban problems and community empowerment. Clark Atlanta also emphasizes fieldwork, providing students with practical experience within diverse populations.

Morgan State University in Baltimore offers a well-rounded BSW program too, with a curriculum focused on urban social work practice and several opportunities for field placements. Morgan State is known for its community service initiatives and the faculty's dedication to mentoring.

Howard University's School of Social Work has a combined BS and MSW degree, and the school is known for its clinical practice concentration and has a robust curriculum with a great emphasis on field education. They encourage community service and student involvement in social issues, which aligns well with your priorities. The only thing is that they don't have a BSW, only a combined bachelor's and master's degree program or an MSW.

Each of these programs could meet your needs for robust curriculums and community involvement. I would recommend visiting campuses if possible and speaking to current students and faculty to get a personal feel for each school. Best of luck on your search!

9 months ago

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