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What are some colleges close to Nashville?

I'm currently a high school junior considering colleges near Nashville. Since I'm really drawn to the music scene, I'd love to have easy access to the city. Does anyone have recommendations for universities that are close enough to Nashville where I can enjoy the city life but don't feel overwhelmed? Bonus points if they have strong programs in music or business!

a month ago

There are several colleges in and around Nashville that could provide you with the kind of environment you're looking for.

1. Vanderbilt University - Located in Nashville itself, Vanderbilt is known for its strong programs in business and music. They offer a Bachelor of Music degree in their Blair School of Music and a Bachelor of Science in Business through their Owen Graduate School of Management.

2. Belmont University - Also located in Nashville, this university has a well-renowned music business program which might be particularly interesting to you given your dual interests.

3. Lipscomb University - Another Nashville-based institution, Lipscomb has a College of Business and a College of Entertainment and the Arts which includes a School of Music.

4. Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) - Located in Murfreesboro, about a 45-minute drive from Nashville, MTSU has a highly regarded Department of Recording Industry that offers degrees in music business, audio production, and commercial songwriting.

5. Trevecca Nazarene University - Although not as well-known as the other schools, Trevecca, located in Nashville, offers business programs and a music program with a concentration in music business.

Remember, it's essential to visit these campuses (if you can) and do some in-depth research to see if they align with your personal and academic interests. The vibrant music scene in Nashville sounds like a wonderful complement to either a music or business program. Best of luck with your college search!

a month ago

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