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What's the hype around the top HBCU basketball teams and players?

Okay, so I'm crazy about bball and I plan to play in college. Lately, I've been hearing a lot about HBCU basketball programs stepping up their game. Does anyone know which are the top HBCU basketball teams or players right now? Bonus points if you can tell me about their culture and support for student-athletes.

9 months ago

Hey there fellow basketball enthusiast! I get your excitement; HBCU basketball teams have indeed been getting a lot of well-deserved attention. Some of the top HBCU basketball programs you might want to check out are Howard University, North Carolina Central University, and Norfolk State University. They've been known for their competitive spirit and considerable talent.

Recently, players like Maker Makur, who chose Howard over several power conference schools, have been shining a spotlight on the quality of HBCU basketball. As for culture, HBCUs are well-known for their strong community support and their encouragement of student-athlete growth both on and off the court. Many HBCUs pride themselves on fostering a sense of belonging and heritage which can be truly motivating for athletes. I’d recommend attending a few games if you can, to get a firsthand feel of the energy and culture. Wishing you the best on your college basketball journey!

9 months ago

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