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Celebrities and HBCU Awareness

Yo, I heard Patrick Mahomes is doing stuff with HBCUs. What's the deal there, and how does celeb involvement help HBCUs? Wondering if there's some way to tie in my interest in this for my college essay?

11 months ago

Hey there! It’s true that celebrities like Patrick Mahomes are lending their support to historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Their involvement often brings increased visibility, funding, and resources to these institutions, which can help address disparities in education and support diverse communities.

Regarding your college essay, this could indeed be a fascinating topic to explore, especially if you have a genuine passion for the issue. You could discuss how the celebrity involvement in HBCUs has impacted your perspectives or inspired you to take action within your own community. Perhaps you’ve started a project, participated in a community event, or it has shaped your educational goals in some way.

Keep the focus on your personal journey and how celeb actions have spurred you towards a unique contribution or realization. Admissions officers appreciate essays that reveal who you are, your values, and how you could contribute to their campus community. Just remember to stay authentic to your experiences and insights!

11 months ago

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