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Is Cornell a good school for studying biology?

I'm a high school junior and I'm really interested in pursuing biology in college. I've heard a lot about Cornell University's biology program and I'm curious to know more about it. What makes Cornell's biology program stand out compared to other schools? Are there good research opportunities for undergraduates? I’d love to hear from anyone who’s been through the program or knows more about the college.

a month ago

You're absolutely right about Cornell being known for its strong biology program. In fact, as part of the Ivy League, Cornell has some of the most distinguished biology faculty in the world, both in terms of teaching and research.

The biology department at Cornell offers both a B.A. and a B.S. degree in Biological Sciences. For the B.S. degree program, you get to choose a concentration from a wide variety, ranging from Biochemistry to Genomics and Genetics, which can be a great way to specialize your biology studies.

As far as research opportunities are concerned, Cornell stands out prominently. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to engage in research across a multitude of areas by working in faculty laboratories or getting field experience. The academic advisors are usually very helpful in assisting students to find research opportunities that align with their interests.

Another impressive aspect of being a biology student at Cornell is the massive network you get to access. Students often interact with faculty who are leading scientists in their respective fields. This networking can lead to great opportunities for internships, advanced studies or job prospects post-graduation.

The only caveat I would add is that like any rigorous program, the biology program at Cornell can be quite intense. It’s often filled with demanding courses that require a high level of commitment. So, if you do decide to pursue this path, you should be ready to put in a solid amount of effort and dedication. But in return, the educational experience and opportunities you'll gain will be truly unparalleled.

Remember, the best way to find out if a school is the right fit for you is to visit if possible, or virtually connect with current students, faculty, and alumni to get a real sense of the culture and opportunities available.

a month ago

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