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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some well-known HBCUs that are considered prestigious?

Hey everyone! I'm starting to look at colleges and I'm really interested in the history and culture of HBCUs. Can you guys share some of the prestigious HBCUs that are known for strong academics or alumni networks? I want to find a school that will also offer me great opportunities after graduation.

9 months ago

Hi there! It's fantastic that you're exploring HBCUs—they have such rich traditions and supportive communities. Some prestigious institutions that stand out are Spelman College and Morehouse College in Atlanta, known for their rigorous academics and notable alumni networks.

For STEM fields, Howard University in Washington D.C. is renowned for its research opportunities and strong professional connections. Another prominent institution is Tuskegee University in Alabama, particularly recognized for its history in aviation and veterinary sciences. Don't forget to check out Hampton University in Virginia as well, which has a strong business program and alumni community.

When considering these schools, take a look at their career services departments; they often have robust job placement programs and can provide statistics on their graduates' success. Visit campuses if you can, and reach out to alumni to get a sense of the opportunities and culture at each school. Good luck on your college journey!

9 months ago

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