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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What makes the top HBCU colleges the best?

Currently a HS junior building my college list, and I'm intrigued by HBCUs. What do people usually consider when they rank the top 10 best HBCU colleges? Is it mostly about academics, or do they factor in other things too?

9 months ago

Hello there! It's fantastic that HBCUs have piqued your interest. When it comes to ranking HBCUs, or any college for that matter, the criteria can be quite extensive. Academics are certainly a significant factor; this includes the quality and variety of programs offered, faculty credentials, and academic resources available to students. For HBCUs specifically, renowned programs in areas such as social sciences, law, science, and engineering might stand out.

Beyond academics, rankings also consider factors like campus life, which encompasses student organizations, cultural activities, and the overall campus atmosphere that is conducive to community building and personal development. HBCUs are known for their tight-knit communities and support systems that celebrate black culture and heritage. Additionally, alumni outcomes, which look at the success rate of graduates and their influence in various sectors, play a part, reflecting the practical value of the education provided. Lastly, support services aimed at ensuring student success, affordability, and financial aid offerings can also weigh into the consideration.

Be sure to research individual HBCUs, as each has its unique strengths, history, and offerings that might align with your personal and academic goals.

9 months ago

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