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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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How do HBCU athletic programs compare with NCAA schools?

Hey everyone! I've been looking into HBCUs and noticed they have some sports teams. Could someone shed light on how HBCU athletic programs compare to other NCAA schools in terms of recruitment, scholarships, and overall competitiveness?

a year ago

Hi there! HBCU athletic programs are a part of the NCAA, with most HBCUs competing in Division I or Division II. In terms of recruitment, HBCUs recruit just like any other NCAA school, looking for talented athletes that can contribute to their teams. They also offer athletic scholarships, but the number and amount can vary compared to larger, more funded NCAA programs.

When it comes to competitiveness, HBCUs might not have the same visibility as some of the larger Division I programs you see on TV, but the level of competition is still high. The athletes are committed, the games are spirited, and there's a rich sense of community and tradition.

Student-athlete experiences are often incredibly rewarding—not only do they get to play the sport they love, but they're also part of a close-knit community. If you're passionate about your sport and considering an HBCU, I'd encourage it. You will have the chance to grow as an athlete and also be part of a unique and supportive environment.

a year ago

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