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Decoding Conditional Admission

Hey friends, junior here getting ready to face the application storm. Can someone explain to me what conditional admission is at colleges? It sounds kind of serious and I want to make sure I fully understand what I might be getting into.

Like, do I have to jump through extra hoops during my senior year? And is this something I should be aiming for or avoiding?

a year ago

Hello there! I'm glad you're seeking information early on. Conditional admission basically means that a college is offering you admission provided you meet certain conditions. These conditions are usually related to academic performance or completion of specific courses during your senior year. For example, you might need to maintain a certain GPA or complete certain AP classes with a passing grade.

It's not necessarily something to aim for or avoid; it's just how some colleges manage admissions with students who may not meet all the criteria at the time of application but show potential. For instance, if your math grades have been a bit low but you've been improving, a college may offer you conditional admission with the expectation that you'll continue to improve in math during your senior year.

It's important to understand these conditions clearly because if you don't meet them, the offer of admission could be rescinded. However, don't stress too much—many students successfully meet their conditions. Just make sure to stay on top of your studies and communicate with the admissions office if you have any questions or concerns. Happy to chat more if you need!

a year ago

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