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College Scholarships for Cancer Survivors

I'm a cancer survivor starting to look into college scholarships aimed specifically at students like me. I've heard there are a few out there, but I'm not sure where to start. Does anyone know of good resources or organizations that offer scholarships for cancer survivors? Any tips on the application process or how competitive these scholarships tend to be? I'm really hoping to minimize my college debt, so any advice would be awesome!

a month ago

Absolutely, there are many scholarships and financial aid opportunities for students who are cancer survivors. Some programs are designed specifically for young people who have dealt with this experience, offering them financial assistance to further their education.

One such scholarship is the Pediatric Oncology Survivors in Transition (POST) Scholarship, which benefits cancer survivors who were diagnosed at young ages. The Cancer Survivors' Fund also offers scholarships for cancer survivors who wish to continue their education.

Moreover, the Ulman Foundation provides scholarships to young adults who are currently fighting cancer, or have done so in the past. Similarly, The Stephen T. Marchello Scholarship Foundation awards scholarships to current year high school graduates who have had a diagnosis of childhood cancer.

Regarding competitiveness, each scholarship varies. Some factors that may influence the competition may include the size of the scholarship, the number of scholarships awarded, and the applicant pool size. However, do not be deterred by the thought of competition. Many scholarships are often awarded based on criteria other than merit or financial need. Take into account that your story, experiences, and aspirations can separate your application from the rest, so be sure to explain your circumstances thoroughly and clearly in your applications.

For application tips, consider the following points:

- Be authentic and share your personal experiences. Describe the journey you've been through and how it has shaped and impacted your life, goals, and aspirations.

- Highlight your resilience and perseverance. The challenges you've gone through are meaningful and can speak volumes about your strength and determination.

- Discuss your future goals and how the scholarship will help you achieve them. Demonstrate that your past experiences have fortified you, not held you back.

Lastly, I highly recommend communicating with a financial aid office at the schools you're applying to. They will have additional resources and specific information to help secure you as much financial support as possible.

Remember, there are also other means of securing scholarships outside of those specifically for cancer survivors. Explore every avenue available to you and consider applying for multiple scholarships to increase your chances of securing funding. There are thousands out there, so don't limit yourself! Good luck with your college journey!

a month ago

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