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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Qualities to look for in a SAT/ACT math tutor?

Okay, so math isn't my strongest suit and I'm aiming to improve my SAT/ACT score. For those who've worked with tutors, what qualities made your SAT/ACT math tutor excellent and how did they help you boost your score?

11 months ago

It's definitely a step in the right direction to seek help in areas where you need to improve. A good SAT/ACT math tutor should first and foremost have a strong mastery of the material and be abreast of the current test formats. Look for someone who not only has high scores themselves but also a track record of helping students improve their scores. They should be able to explain concepts in multiple ways and tailor their teaching style to your learning preferences.

Another key quality is patience. Learning takes time, and you may need to revisit certain concepts multiple times before they 'click.' A patient tutor won't mind reviewing these areas as needed and will create a supportive environment that encourages you to ask questions. One effective strategy I've seen tutors use is providing practice with real SAT/ACT questions, as this helps familiarize students with the types of questions they will encounter on test day.

Additionally, the best tutors help students identify and focus on their weakest areas; they don't waste time on topics you've already mastered. By taking initial diagnostics and regularly assessing your progress, a tutor can tailor sessions to continuously adapt to your needs. This focused approach can be instrumental in boosting your score as it ensures every tutoring session is used effectively. Don't hesitate to ask a potential tutor about their approach to these aspects of test prep.

Lastly, motivational skills shouldn't be underestimated. The process of preparing for standardized tests can be grueling, and having someone who encourages you and keeps you on track with your study plan can help maintain your momentum. It's worth seeking testimonials or references from past students to gauge how well the tutor fosters motivation and improvement. Best of luck in finding the right tutor for you!

11 months ago

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