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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Montclair State University Transfer Application Deadline?

Hey everyone, I'm planning to transfer to Montclair State University and I'm trying to get all my paperwork and application materials ready. Does anyone know when the transfer application deadline is for Montclair State? I want to make sure I have everything submitted on time, and any advice on the application process would be super helpful! Thanks in advance!

28 days ago

Montclair State University has a deadline of March 1st for transfer applicants applying for the fall semester.

When completing your application, make sure to provide all necessary information and documentation. Here's a quick list:

1. Completed online application.

2. $65 non-refundable application fee.

3. Official transcripts from all colleges you've attended.

4. If you've earned fewer than 30 credits, you'll also need to send your official high school transcript.

Once you've submitted your application, keep an eye on your application status online to ensure all documents are received, and expect about 2-4 weeks for a decision notification. Once admitted, you’ll need to submit your intent to enroll and register for an orientation session.

Remember to apply for financial aid as well! The priority deadline for filing the FAFSA for the following academic year is March 1, even if you don't know if you've been admitted yet.

I hope this helps and best of luck with your transfer application!

28 days ago

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