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What Should I Put on My Resume as a High School Student?

I'm a junior in high school and starting to think about building my resume for college applications and job opportunities. I know I need to list my education and experience, but I'm not sure what else to include.

Do extracurricular activities count? Should I mention volunteer work or leadership roles in clubs I'm part of? Also, any advice on the best way to format my resume to make it look professional would be super helpful. Thanks in advance!

26 days ago

Absolutely, your extracurricular activities, volunteer roles, and leadership experiences are all vital elements to include on your resume. Remember, quality can outweigh quantity, so be sure to highlight experiences where you've made a significant impact or shown substantial growth.

When it comes to formatting, hold to the Keep It Simple (KIS) principle. It should be clean, easy to read, and avoid excessive stylish fonts or designs. Here's a basic format that you might consider:

1. Header: This should include your full name, contact info (email and phone number), and a link to any relevant online profiles like LinkedIn.

2. Education: Start with your high school name and expected graduation date. If you've maintained a strong GPA or have notable academic achievements (e.g., National Honors Society membership), include those here.

3. Experience: This section can include part-time jobs, internships, or significant research projects you've been involved in. Write a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements at each role.

4. Extracurriculars and Leadership: Highlight your involvement in clubs, sports teams, or community organizations. Specify your role and any significant accomplishments. Leadership roles are highly valued, so be sure to include them.

5. Volunteer Work and Community Service: Community involvement can show personal interests and values. Describe your role, the cause you worked for, and any notable achievements or experiences.

6. Skills: Highlight any relevant skills you have, such as computer programming, fluency in a second language, or public speaking. These should be skills that are relevant to your college or career goals.

7. Awards and Honors: This is where you can confidently showcase your accomplishments!

Remember, your resume's purpose is to provide a snapshot of who you are as a student and as an individual. Tailor it with your college or job application in mind, and remember, it's not about filling up the page, but rather about sharing your most meaningful achievements and experiences. So, be selective and prioritize quality over quantity. Good luck!

26 days ago

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