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Differences between AP Physics 1, 2, and C?

For anyone who's taken AP Physics, can you break down the differences among Physics 1, 2, and C for me? I love physics but need to choose wisely for my schedule next year.

a year ago

Hi there! Absolutely, I'd be delighted to break down the differences for you. AP Physics 1 covers classical mechanics, such as kinematics and Newton's laws, and is algebra-based, which makes it accessible if you're strong in algebra but haven't taken calculus. Think of it as an introductory course that lays the foundation.

AP Physics 2 goes into other areas of physics like thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, optics, and topics in modern physics. It's also algebra-based and builds upon the concepts introduced in Physics 1, though taking Physics 1 isn't a prerequisite.

AP Physics C is divided into two parts: Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism. Both parts of Physics C are calculus-based, making them more challenging. They go deeper into the topics than the algebra-based Physics 1 and 2 and are aimed at students interested in pursuing physical science or engineering majors in college.

When choosing, consider both your comfort with math and your future academic plans. If you're already taking or plan to take calculus, and are considering a STEM field, Physics C could be a great fit. Otherwise, Physics 1 and 2 are excellent choices that still provide a solid physics education. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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