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What are some scholarships that pay for room and board?

I'm a high school junior, planning for college and considering the total cost of attending. Tuition is one thing, but room and board add up quickly too! Are there scholarships specifically designed to cover housing expenses? I'd love some recommendations for scholarships that include room and board as part of their package, or any tips on where to find such opportunities.

a month ago

Sure, you're absolutely spot on that room and board can be a significant part of college expenses. Some scholarships, while not specifically designated for room and board, provide a stipend that can be used towards these expenses. Here are a couple of examples to show you what I mean:

1. The Gates Scholarship: This highly competitive scholarship is designed for high-achieving, low-income minority high school seniors. It covers the full financial need of the recipients, including room and board, over and above what is covered by financial aid and expected family contribution.

2. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship: This is another competitive scholarship targeting high-achieving high school seniors with financial need. It offers up to $55,000 per year, which can cover a significant chunk of room and board.

3. ROTC scholarships: If you're interested in a military career, the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) scholarships not only cover tuition, but also provide a monthly allowance for living expenses.

4. State-funded scholarships: Many states have their own scholarship programs that can be pretty generous. For example, Florida's Bright Futures Scholarship covers 100% tuition at in-state schools and provides a $300 per semester stipend for textbooks and expenses, which can help with room and board.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other scholarships out there that can help with living expenses. When you're researching scholarships, read the conditions carefully. Even if it's not explicitly stated that the funds can be used for room and board, many times the funding can be applied flexibly. Additionally, don't overlook "smaller" scholarships - those $500 - $1,000 awards can greatly aid in covering books, meals, or even part of your housing. Remember, every little bit helps.

a month ago

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