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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can you cancel an ACT score after taking the test?

I just took the ACT and I'm having a mild panic that I bombed it. Is it possible to cancel my scores before they're reported, or am I stuck with whatever I got?

11 months ago

I understand how stressful standardized testing can be, especially when you're worried about the outcome. Fortunately, there is an option to cancel your ACT score, but it requires prompt action. You must send a written request to the ACT within three days after the test date, excluding Sundays and holidays. This request will prevent the ACT from scoring your exam at all.

That said, keep in mind that once the scores are processed, you cannot cancel them; prevention is key here. Remember to include your name, home address, test date, and registration number in your cancellation letter.

If the score reports haven't been processed or sent to your college choices and you act quickly, it's possible to prevent any undesirable scores from being shared. If you miss the cancellation window, you still have control over which scores you send to colleges. You can always retake the test if you're not satisfied with the results. Take a deep breath—it's going to work out one way or another!

11 months ago

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