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What are some notable HBCU nursing programs in Texas?

Greetings future nurses and others! I'm aiming for a nursing career and would love to attend an HBCU. Does anyone know of any reputable HBCU nursing programs in Texas?

a year ago

Hello there! It's exciting to hear about your interest in pursuing a nursing career through an HBCU in Texas. While there aren't a multitude of options, there are certainly reputable programs you can consider.

For instance, Prairie View A&M University offers a highly regarded College of Nursing. This program has a rich history, dating back to 1918, and it has developed a reputation for producing skilled nursing professionals. They offer BSN, MSN, and doctoral programs in nursing.

Another option is Texas Southern University, which also has a strong nursing program within its Thurgood Marshall School of Law. It's great to set your sights on HBCUs, as they often provide a culturally enriched environment alongside their academic offerings.

Do check out each school's specific admissions requirements and program details to ensure the best fit for your educational and career goals. Also, look into their NCLEX pass rates, as this is a good indicator of the program's efficacy. Best of luck in your future nursing endeavors!

a year ago

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